This is a new venture which I am pleased to bring to the attention of my readers. The first edition of this magazine includes both an intereview wuith and music by Colin Mawby, one of the Latin Mass Society's Patrons. You can buy and download it here.
1) Altare Dei will present in English featured articles not only from people in the anglosaxon world, but also from Europe, theologians and liturgists that will be translated, sometimes for the first time in English.
2) The cost is around 7 US dollars, but if you consider only the musicla insert will cost much more than that if bought separately.
3) The musical insert has, in this issue 12 pages of music, 6 original pieces from contemporary very good Church composer. Only for that Altare Dei would be a must.
4) You can download the pdf right away, no shipping fees.